What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey is the path a customer takes while interacting with a business, ideally en route to a purchase. It often consists of multiple touchpoints across multiple channels. For example, a customer might see an ad for a product on TV, call the 1-800 number to find out more information, think about it for a couple of days, and then go online to make a purchase. A customer journey map visually represents this journey from the customer's perspective. It includes quantitative data and information about the customer's goals for the journey and what they are thinking and feeling along the way.

Customer journey maps take different forms, such as swim lanes on a spreadsheet or a flow chart. There isn't any right or wrong format. What’s important is that the customer journey map clearly depicts the multiple touchpoints across the journey so that viewers of the map can understand the experience from the customer's viewpoint. This includes highlighting significant details such as rough transitions between channels, barriers to making purchases, and inferior experiences in specific touchpoints.

Customer journeys are unique and nonlinear. Because of this, it would be impossible (and probably unhelpful) to map every possible scenario. In response, organizations may create typical customer journey maps for their customer personas or map out the most common journeys. Customer journey maps need to provide actionable information, and companies that take this approach avoid the “analysis paralysis” that comes with too much nonvital information. This allows them to focus on improving the journey by increasing agents' product knowledge or revamping the online checkout process.

Organizations that go through the process of creating customer journey maps can gain much insight into what their customers are experiencing.

What is on a customer journey map?

Customer journey maps can take many forms, from sticky notes on a whiteboard to a graphical representation generated by mapping software. The important thing is that the map is created from the customer's perspective and includes enough information to get a comprehensive view of the end-to-end journey. This information typically includes the following:

  • Touchpoints: A touchpoint is where a brand makes an impression on a customer, such as an email, the corporate website, or customer service.
  • Handoffs: A handoff occurs when a customer transitions from one touchpoint to another, such as switching from self-service support to agent assistance. These handoffs are often a source of friction.
  • Operational data: Operational data, such as conversion rates and customer service wait times, are included on the customer experience map because they provide insights regarding customer behavior and what customers are experiencing throughout their journeys.
  • Customer feedback: Customer feedback from surveys, reviews, interaction analytics and other data sources provides insights into how customers feel and think about different aspects of their experiences.

What is customer journey mapping?

Customer journey mapping is a visual representation and analysis technique that helps organizations understand and improve customer experiences as they interact with products or services. It is a tool for examining a customer's interactions and touchpoints while engaging with a brand or company, from initial discovery to post-purchase experiences.

Here’s how customer journey mapping typically works:

  1. Identifying customer personas: Knowing who the customers are is essential before creating a map. Businesses often create customer personas, which are fictional characters representing the various user types within their target demographic.
  2. Defining customer goals: For each persona, it is necessary to understand what they are trying to achieve at various stages of the customer journey.
  3. Mapping touchpoints: Touchpoints are the specific interactions customers have with the business, such as visiting the website, talking to customer service, or using the product. Identifying all the touchpoints is critical.
  4. Detailing the customer experience: For each touchpoint, the customer’s actions, motivations, emotions, and pain points need to be detailed. This is often broken down into stages such as awareness, consideration, purchase, retention, and advocacy.
  5. Identifying opportunities for improvement: By understanding the customer’s experience at each touchpoint, businesses can identify where they are not meeting customer expectations and find opportunities for improvement.
  6. Prioritizing and implementing changes: Based on the insights gained from the map, businesses prioritize the areas that need improvement and make necessary changes to enhance the customer experience.
  7. Measuring impact and refining: Once changes are implemented, measuring the impact on customer experience is essential, and continuously refining the journey is based on feedback and data.

Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is a strategic process that allows businesses to visualize an entire customer journey from initial awareness to loyal advocacy. This practice is becoming increasingly vital in a competitive market. Below, we discuss the manifold benefits of customer journey mapping.

1. Enhances Understanding of Customer Needs

One of the primary benefits of customer journey mapping is the deep insight it provides into customer needs and preferences. By understanding what customers look for at each stage of their journey, businesses can tailor their offerings and communications to meet these needs more effectively.

2. Identifies Pain Points

Customer journey mapping helps identify areas where customers might experience difficulties or dissatisfaction. Understanding these pain points allows businesses to address issues proactively and improve the customer experience.

3. Improves Customer Satisfaction

When a business is aligned with customer needs and has addressed relevant pain points, the natural outcome is enhanced customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand and make repeat purchases.

4. Optimizes Touchpoints

By mapping out the various touchpoints in the customer journey, businesses can optimize each interaction for maximum impact. This includes ensuring the right message is delivered at the right time through the most effective channels.

5. Increases Customer Retention and Loyalty

Understanding and catering to the customer journey invariably lead to increased customer retention. When customers have a positive experience with a brand, they are more likely to remain loyal and less likely to switch to competitors.

6. Facilitates Cross-Departmental Alignment

Customer journey mapping is not just a marketing or customer service team tool. It’s a holistic approach that can align multiple departments to improve the customer experience. This ensures that everyone in the organization understands and contributes to this objective.

7. Boosts Revenue and Reduces Costs

Improving the customer experience through journey mapping often increases customer retention and acquisition, leading to higher revenues. Additionally, by streamlining processes and optimizing touchpoints, businesses can reduce costs associated with customer service and other aspects of the customer journey.

8. Informs Product Development

Insights gleaned from customer journey mapping can be invaluable for product development. Understanding customer needs and pain points can guide the development of new products or features that better address these areas.

9. Enhances Brand Perception

Businesses can build a strong brand image by providing a consistent and positive customer experience throughout the journey. When customers associate a brand with high quality and excellent service, this enhances the brand’s reputation in the market.

10. Enables Proactive Engagement

Customer journey mapping allows businesses to anticipate and engage with customer needs proactively. This can include providing timely information, support, or recommendations that add value to the customer experience.

11. Fosters Innovation

The insights from customer journey mapping can foster innovation within an organization. Understanding customer behavior, preferences, and pain points can develop new ideas and strategies to innovate the business model or service delivery.

Customer Journey Mapping Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Customer journey mapping is an analytical and creative process that allows businesses to gain insights into how customers interact with their brand across various touchpoints. It provides a holistic view of the customer experience, helping businesses identify opportunities for improvement. Here is a detailed breakdown of the customer journey mapping process:

Step 1: Define Buyer Persona

What is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of an ideal customer. It is based on market research and real data about existing customers.

Why is it Important?

Understanding who customers are is the foundation of the customer journey mapping process. It helps tailor products, services, and user experiences to the specific needs and behaviors of different segments of potential audiences.

How to Create a Buyer Persona

  • Collect demographic data such as age, gender, location, and occupation.
  • Understand their motivations, needs, and pain points.
  • Identify their preferences and behavior patterns.
  • Use surveys, interviews, and feedback to gather information.

Step 2: List Touchpoints

What are Touchpoints?

Touchpoints are the various points of interaction that customers have with a brand. It could be anything from visiting the website, reading a blog post, contacting customer service, or purchasing a product.

Why are They Important?

Knowing where customers interact with a brand is essential to understanding their experience. It helps in identifying what is working well and what needs improvement.

How to Identify Touchpoints

  • Map out the customer’s journey from the initial contact to purchase and post-purchase interactions.
  • Utilize analytics tools to track customer interactions online.
  • Gather feedback from customers about how they interact with the brand.

Step 3: Analyze Customer Journeys

What is Customer Journey Analysis?

It involves examining customers' different paths as they engage with a brand. It includes understanding the sequence of touchpoints a customer encounters over time.

Why is it Important?

Analyzing customer journeys helps in understanding how customers are experiencing a brand. It provides insight into what is influencing their decisions at each stage.

How to Analyze Customer Journeys

  • Create a visual representation of the customer’s interactions with the brand.
  • Use data analytics to understand how customers are navigating through the touchpoints.
  • Consider the emotional experience of the customer at each stage.

Step 4: Identify Pain Points and Opportunities

What are Pain Points and Opportunities?

Pain points are the problems that customers face during their journey. Opportunities are areas in which the customer experience can be enhanced.

Why is it Important?

Identifying pain points and opportunities enables companies to focus on what matters most to their customers and where their efforts can have the most significant impact.

How to Identify Pain Points and Opportunities

  • Look for patterns in customer feedback and complaints.
  • Analyze where in the journey customers are dropping off or expressing dissatisfaction.
  • Use customer surveys to gather insights into customer needs and expectations.

Step 5: Design Interventions

What are Interventions?

Interventions are the actions taken to address the pain points and capitalize on the opportunities identified in the previous step.

Why is it Important?

Designing effective interventions is crucial for improving the customer experience and ensuring solutions align with customer needs.

How to Design Interventions

  • Prioritize pain points and opportunities based on their impact on customer experience.
  • Develop solutions that are aligned with customer needs and preferences.
  • Involve cross-functional teams to ensure that interventions are integrated across all touchpoints.

Step 6: Implement and Monitor

What Does That Entail?

Implementation involves putting the interventions into action. Monitoring involves keeping track of the results and understanding the impact of the changes made.

Why is it Important?

Implementing changes is only half the battle. Monitoring is crucial to ensure the interventions have the desired effect and to make ongoing improvements.

How to Implement and Monitor

  • Develop an implementation plan and assign responsibilities.
  • Use analytics tools to track customer interactions and feedback.
  • Regularly review the results and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Customer journey mapping is a powerful process that helps businesses understand and enhance the customer experience. By diligently following those steps, from defining your buyer persona to implementing and monitoring interventions, you can create a customer journey that exceeds customer expectations, leading to increased loyalty and revenue for your business.

Types of Customer Journey Maps: Finding the Right Fit

Customer journey maps are important tools for helping businesses understand and improve the customer experience. However, not all maps are created equal. There are several types of customer journey maps, each serving different purposes. Selecting the right type to meet business needs is essential. The common types of customer journey maps are:

1. Current State Map


The Current State Map depicts the customer's journey as they interact with a product or service. It's focused on understanding the present experience, from initial contact through engagement and long-term relationship-building.

Best Used For:

  • Identifying existing pain points.
  • Understanding the current customer experience.
  • Establishing a baseline before implementing improvements.

2. Future State Map


Unlike the Current State Map, the Future State Map visualizes the desired customer journey after improvements. This map serves as a vision for the organization's goal regarding customer experience.

Best Used For:

  • Setting goals for improving customer experience.
  • Visualizing the optimal customer journey.
  • Creating a roadmap for customer experience strategy.

3. Day-in-the-Life Map


Day-in-the-Life Maps focus on a typical day in a customer's life, including their interactions with a brand and other daily activities. It helps illuminate the customer’s life context and how the brand fits in.

Best Used For:

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of customer lifestyle and habits.
  • Identifying opportunities to integrate a product or service into the customer's daily life.

4. Service Blueprint


Service Blueprints are more detailed and focus on the customer journey from the customer’s and the organization’s perspectives. It maps customer actions and touchpoints, and the backend processes and interactions that support them.

Best Used For:

  • Understanding the internal processes that support the customer journey.
  • Identifying inefficiencies in service delivery.
  • Aligning front-end and back-end processes with customer needs.

5. Touchpoint Map


Touchpoint Maps focus specifically on the interaction points between the customer and the brand. This helps identify all potential touchpoints and evaluate their effectiveness.

Best Used For:

  • Optimizing individual touchpoints.
  • Understanding how different touchpoints contribute to the overall customer experience.

6. Experience Map


Experience Maps are broader and not just focused on interactions with a brand. They consider a customer's entire experience within a certain scenario, including emotions, pain points, and satisfaction levels.

Best Used For:

  • Understanding customer emotions and motivations.
  • Identifying opportunities to enhance the customer experience beyond direct interactions with a brand.

7. Digital Customer Journey Map


Digital Customer Journey Maps focus exclusively on the customer’s interactions through digital channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media. They are crucial for businesses with a solid online presence.

Best Used For:

  • Understanding and optimizing the digital customer experience.
  • Identifying opportunities and challenges in online customer engagement.

8. eCommerce Customer Journey Map


eCommerce Customer Journey Maps focus explicitly on the online shopping experience. With the rising prominence of online retail, understanding the digital path customers take from discovery to purchase is critical. This type of map charts the customer’s interactions with an eCommerce website or app, including product searches, reviews, cart additions, and the checkout process.

Best Used For:

  • Optimizing the online shopping experience.
  • Identifying areas of friction in the eCommerce conversion funnel.
  • Understanding customer decision-making in an online retail environment.
  • Enhancing website or app design for smoother navigation and user experience.

Common Customer Journey Map Templates

1. Linear Timeline Template

A Linear Timeline Template is one of the simplest and most common customer journey map templates. It presents the customer journey linearly, from the initial interaction with a brand to the post-purchase stages.

Key Elements:

  • Stages of the journey (Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention, Advocacy)
  • Touchpoints at each stage
  • Customer emotions or sentiments at each touchpoint
  • Opportunities for improvement

2. Empathy Map Template

An Empathy Map Template focuses on understanding the customer's emotions and experiences at each stage of the journey.

Key Elements:

  • Customer personas (demographics, preferences, motivations)
  • Emotional states throughout the journey
  • Pain points and moments of delight
  • Quotes or feedback that represent the customer’s voice

3. Spider Web Template

The Spider Web Template visualizes the non-linear nature of the modern customer journey, accounting for various channels and touchpoints that a customer might interact with in no set order.

Key Elements:

  • Central point representing the customer
  • Surrounding nodes representing touchpoints and channels
  • Lines connecting nodes representing paths customers may take
  • Emotions or experiences associated with each touchpoint

4. Service Blueprint Template

The Service Blueprint Template is a more comprehensive map that includes customer-facing elements and the behind-the-scenes processes that support the customer journey.

Key Elements:

  • Customer actions and touchpoints
  • Frontstage and backstage processes
  • Employee actions and responsibilities
  • Pain points and opportunities for optimization

5. eCommerce Funnel Template

This template is designed for eCommerce businesses and focuses on the online shopping experience, from product discovery to checkout.

Key Elements:

  • Stages of the online shopping process (Discovery, Consideration, Cart, Checkout, Post-purchase)
  • Digital touchpoints (product pages, cart, payment gateway)
  • Customer emotions, hesitations, and satisfaction
  • Abandonment points and opportunities for improvement

6. Experience Wheel Template

The Experience Wheel Template represents the customer journey in a circular format, emphasizing the cyclical nature of customer relationships.

Key Elements:

  • Stages of the customer journey are arranged in a circle
  • Touchpoints, actions, and interactions at each stage
  • Emotional experience throughout the journey
  • Pain points and opportunities

The templates are just examples. Customer journey maps can be customized according to each business's specific needs and objectives. It’s important to choose or design a template that aligns with the goals of the customer journey mapping effort.

How NICE is Redefining Customer Experience

NICE CXone is the industry’s only interaction-centric platform where channels, data, applications, and knowledge converge to improve customer experience at scale.

It is the leading, most complete and unified CX Platform on the market, used by thousands of organizations of all sizes around the world to help them consistently deliver exceptional customer experiences. CXone is a cloud native, unified suite of applications designed to help you holistically run your call (or contact) center operations.

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