
Elevating Coaching Practices: A Journey from Basic to Optimal Performance


Join us for an insightful exploration of coaching best practices, illuminating the dynamic relationship between behavioral and KPI-driven coaching. Discover actionable insights that will optimize your coaching program, fostering tangible results in employee development and organizational success.

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White Papers

Being a Contact Center Supervisor in a Digital World

The purpose of this white paper is to bring readers up to date on the role and responsibilities of the contact center supervisor and introduce some technology tools that NICE makes available at no extra cost on CXone.


Call center metrics: CXone Performance Management

CXone Performance Management inspires employees to own performance and align with organizational goals by providing transparency and continuous feedback in a social environment. Report “one view of the truth” via customizable KPIs and dashboards aggregated from disparate sources to drive continuous improvement and a high-performance culture. Elevate agent performance with real-time, personalized insights, provide a creative outlet through engaging gamification and wallboards, and motivate with prizes in a customizable virtual storefront. Increase supervisor efficiency and enable focus on high-value activities by automatically creating and sharing performance scorecards. Improve the customer experience by uniting the organization behind transparent CX goals.

White Papers

NICE Performance Management - eBook

Learn how you can drive employee performance by using NICE Performance Management