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2 quick wins for digital customer experience transformation

2 Quick wins for digital customer experience transformation

For more information about modern call center design, download "The state of contact center transformation in the new digital world." It includes insightful information that can inform your digital transformation strategy. Or, if you’re ready to transform your customer experience and build relationships that last, speak to one of our digital experts to help get you started.

How to Create a Successful Analytics Program

Contact centers are increasingly leveraging analytics to unlock valuable insights about customer behavior. By adding context to every interaction, an effective analytics program enables organizations to understand where they need to improve customer experience, why customers are contacting the company, which agents are delivering great service and what makes them successful, which sales offers are working and what customers are saying about the competition.

Practical Considerations for Hybrid and Work-at-Home Contact Center Employees

Executives are still discussing whether or not contact centers agents will be allowed to work at home on a full-time or hybrid basis after the pandemic, but I believe the decision has already been made. Agents and other contact center employees have had a taste of freedom and are not going to give it up easily. Given the significant number of companies that are going to employ work-at-home (WAH) and hybrid agents, most anyone who wants to work this way will be able to find a job. Contact centers that insist on having all agents return to the office are going to see massive departures and ultimately will have no choice but to be more flexible.

NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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