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What is Your Brand Experience

I stopped by Sonic today for a soda and was blown away by their gorgeous tulips - that perfectly match their brand color! I have no idea how they matched the red and yellow of the Sonic brand, but it was an excellent touch. Developing a brand is definitely more than matching your flora to your brand...

Where are You Playing the Social Media Puck

Wayne Gretzky, one of the greatest professional hockey players in the history of the NHL once said, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." In a fast moving sport, the athlete who can read the action well enough to anticipate where the...

Disaster Recovery in the Contact Center - Part II

In the last installment we discussed the need for a business continuity or disaster recovery plan for any organization or contact center that handles revenue critical work, in the office place. Now we will focus in on a few best practices to ensure continuity in the event of a disaster, big or small. First let’s start with the telecommunications...

Buy or Lease

I read a great article recently about a business owner who opted to lease printers rather than buy them outright. She really stressed over the decision, but in the end, found that leasing was by far the better option for her and her business. She didn't have any up-front cash outlay and she was able to try...

The Pink Elephant Finally Speaks Up

The workforce of any successful business thrives to satisfy existing customers and attract new customers. The mission of growth is behind every company initiative and effort. As business people, we have the natural desire to grow. Now that I’ve stated the obvious, let me introduce the pink elephant in the room named Common Sense....

What Contributes to the Cost of a Contact Center

People frequently ask me how much the technology costs to successfully run a contact center. What I find interesting about this question is that people often think that the technology component of running a contact center is one of the largest portions of the total cost of operation...but it isn't. Experience has shown time and time again that...

Why Do We Route Email

Alright, I’ve been unsettled about email routing for awhile now. Here’s my problem with the way I usually see it done. Wait, I’m ahead of myself. First let me explain how I usually run into email routing out there in the contact centers: The email hits the system, we match the need to the agents...

NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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