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SaaS Market Expected to Grow to $10.7 Billion in 2011

$10.7 Billion. According to CIO Insight that is the number that Gartner estimates will be the total spending worldwide in Software-as-a-Service this year. That is huge. But is it really huge? What is it about big numbers? Everyone likes to see a big number. But sometimes they are just simply too big...

Why At-Home Workforce (Part 1)

Contact centers have begun to take notice of those using an at-home workforce either in conjunction with brick-and-mortar centers or in some unusual cases, instead of brick-and-mortar centers. Think it's just the smaller companies moving in this direction? Guess again. Why should you consider the at-home model regardless of size or industry? Let’s take...

Making the World A Smaller Place

Technology, and I think, most notably, telecommunications technology has made the world a smaller place. Fiber optics cables now connect the far places of the world together, providing reliable high capacity channels able to transmit tremendous amounts of voice and data traffic virtually anywhere at a very low cost. This technology is allowing call centers...

Getting Satisfaction with Twitter

American Public Media's Marketplace recently aired an interesting story on NPR about tweeting to complain. When you think of Twitter, you probably think of a younger generation thumbing away at their mobile phones telling their friends where they are and what they are doing in 140 characters or less. I admit, it is a...

Single Sign-On Bliss

The attention on Facebook lately has been around their new "deals" offering, which is awesome and will undoubtedly change the way we market and provide service to customers. At the same time, they announced a single sign-on application that will allow you to sign into a host of other applications through your Facebook login. For a while...

Ice Wind Fire and SaaS

It is early January, on a hill top in the Utah west desert. Snow is falling, there is a light breeze and the temperature is about 5 degree F. I am camping with my son. We are both wearing wool socks, insulated boots, insulated pants, fleece thermals, heavy coats, gloves, hats. Inside our...

NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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