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Finding the Elephant

This is not really a technical discussion about security or VOIP or networks, like my usual blog posts. It’s really a short admonition about finding balance, and the importance of knowing what is truly of value. It’s a holiday story of sorts. The Elephant is that one thing that is most important to you...

Top 10 Things Call Center Agents Wish They Had

Every year at our inContact User Conference (ICUC) we have a really fun general session called The Early Morning Show. It's a talk show style show featuring the usual fare of talk shows - celebrity guests, games, and, of course, a Top 10 list. I'd like to share with you the Top 10 list we featured at...

TCO of the Cloud

Every now and again you get to be a part of something that's truly great. I've had such an opportunity this year as I've had the pleasure to work with Frost & Sullivan as they put together their "Premise Vs. Hosted Contact Center: Total Cost of Ownership Analysis". The report analyzes and compares the TCO of the...

Mythbusters Cloud Edition Part III

In the first two installments of this series, we discussed myths that are used to dissuade companies from choosing cloud-based communications solutions. In the first blog we discussed the differences between public and private clouds and whether a cloud solution means a forklift upgrade. The second installment challenged myths related to security and reliability in...

Data Centers in Europe

We recently announced our new data centers and European infrastructure in Frankfurt and Munich. I led the team that deployed the infrastructure to those two German locations and, although it was a whirlwind of activity from many internal sources with a few roadblocks along the way, I was appreciative of what we learned and how the...

Mythbusters Cloud Edition Part II

Last week, we began a three-part series exploring myths that are sometimes used by on-premises solution vendors to create "fear, uncertainty and doubt" about moving communications, and specifically contact center applications, to the cloud. If you didn’t see last week’s blog, it addressed two related misperceptions, "There’s No Difference Between Public and Private Clouds" and "Moving...

Turning a Bad Experience into Repeat Purchase

Holiday shoppers seem to come in many forms - there are the Black Friday shoppers (way to scary for me), the early shoppers (one Facebook friend had all of her presents purchased and wrapped before Halloween), the "hit every store in a 100 mile radius shoppers" and the online shoppers. I fall into the last category. I...

NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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