call center christmas

`Twas the Night Before Christmas - The Contact Center Edition

`Twas a week before Christmas and all through the center,

Not an agent was stirring, nor phone, chat, or di’ler.

The agents were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of FCR danced in their heads.

When out of my phone there arose such a clatter

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

“Our website is down, our customers are hot

They’re trying to buy gifts for their spouses and tots!”

Away to my office just right down the hall,

Booted up the computer, and started to call

A few of our agents, on call for the night,

Who were ready at home to handle the fright.

“On phones, on chat, on text messaging too!

On Facebook, on Twitter, and Instagram, whew!”

We scaled rather quickly, really no time at all,

and helped our clients sort through the stall.

The website came back, and customers were glad,

They were able to cross off the lists that they had.

With NICE this crisis was just a small glitch,

The cloud helps us be nimble and makes it easy to switch

To agents at home, who work where they please,

and scale up or down with significant ease.

So remember next year, when you face a call center fright,

NICE can help your agents and customers have a great night!

Happy Holidays from all of us at NICE!


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