Top 5 reasons transitioning to the cloud is the best thing since sliced bread

Top 5 reasons transitioning to the cloud is the best thing since sliced bread

For contact center organizations, transitioning to the cloud is the optimal move, or like that old saying goes – ‘The best thing since sliced bread.’ This is true in more ways than you’d think. Once upon a time, bread only came in whole loaves. Then as a novelty, someone started selling it neatly pre-sliced. Eventually there was no going back. Sliced bread became the universal standard. At NICE, we think transitioning to the cloud has gone that way also – no longer an innovation, but a commodity.

A recent Frost & Sullivan report supports this too. The COVID-19 pandemic may have been the first compelling event encouraging the transition, but with the initial upheaval behind us, we are dealing with a whole new set of drivers and while it won’t happen overnight, expectations have changed. All contact centers will eventually make their way to this happy new reality.

Yet when one window of novelty ends, another one opens. In this new cloud-based contact center reality, recording interactions between agents and customers can be defined by all kinds of new, enhanced capabilities and incentives:

  1. Anytime, anywhere

    While on-prem may use physical access to hardware, with cloud recording, the recordings of customer interactions are stored on remote servers maintained by the cloud service provider. This means that users can access the recordings from anywhere via an internet connection using a web browser or a dedicated app. This can be particularly useful for contact centers with multiple locations or teams, as it enables users to easily collaborate and share information without the dependency on physical access to hardware or data centers.

    For example, a contact center supervisor who is working remotely can access call recordings and monitor the performance of their agents in real-time without needing to be physically present in the contact center. Similarly, agents can access their own call recordings or transcripts from home or on-the-go without needing to be in the office. This can improve productivity, collaboration, and efficiency across the organization.

  1. Up & down

    Cloud recording, unlike on-prem, can be easily scaled up or down depending on the organization’s requirements, without having to purchase additional hardware. This can save time, costs, and make it easier to adapt to changing business needs. It also offers more infrastructure flexibility in terms of scalability compared to on-prem recording. With cloud recording, the amount of storage space and processing power can be increased or decreased on demand based on the organization’s requirements. Organizations can easily scale their recording up or down, without having to purchase additional hardware or invest in costly upgrades.

    For example, during peak call volume periods a contact center can quickly increase its recording capacity to ensure that all customer interactions are captured without any degradation in quality and service. Similarly, during slower periods, the organization can scale back its recording capacity to avoid unnecessary costs.

  1. Safe & sound

    Security is a crucial consideration for any contact center when it comes to recording and storing customer interactions. While on-prem recording can offer some level of control over data security, it can also require significant investment in security measures and ongoing maintenance to ensure data remains safe. Cloud recording on the other hand, offers several advantages when it comes to data security. Cloud recording providers typically invest heavily in security measures to protect their customers’ data, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls. These providers have teams of security experts dedicated to monitoring and updating security measures to ensure that they stay ahead of the latest threats and can offer an SLA. In addition, cloud recording providers typically have multiple data centers and redundant backup systems in place to ensure data is always available, even in the event of a disaster. This can provide better protection than many organizations achieve with on-prem recording, which may rely on a single data center or backup system.

    However, it’s important to choose a reputable cloud recording provider and to ensure that data is properly secured and backed up. Organizations should carefully evaluate potential providers to ensure that they meet their specific security requirements and that they have appropriate certifications and compliance standards in place. Organizations should also consider factors such as data ownership, access controls, and data retention policies when evaluating cloud recording providers.

  1. Plays nice with others

    Cloud-based recording offers the advantage of being easily integrated with other cloud-based tools, such as analytics or quality management solutions, which can provide a more comprehensive and holistic view of customer interactions. Cloud-based recording solutions often have open APIs that allow for seamless integration with other tools, enabling users to leverage the benefits of multiple technologies to gain deeper insights into customer interactions and drive better business outcomes.

    For example, by integrating cloud-based recording with a quality management solution, contact center managers can evaluate agent performance and identify areas for improvement. By listening to call recordings, managers can evaluate communication skills, identify knowledge gaps, and provide targeted coaching to improve agent performance. Under a single vendor, automation may be leveraged to offer greater efficiencies

  1. Effortless management

    Cloud systems are typically updated automatically by the provider. This means that organizations do not have to worry about installing and maintaining upgrades themselves, which can save time and skilled resources. Also, automatic updates ensure that organizations always have access to the latest features and security enhancements. Cloud recording providers continuously update their solutions to improve performance, add new features, and address security vulnerabilities. By taking care of upgrades automatically, providers ensure that organizations are always using the most up-to-date and secure recording solution.

So, while organizations migrating to the cloud may be already determined – even yesterday’s headlines – we at NICE think that the exciting potential of recording there will continue to unfold in many new ways.

Take advantage of our innovative cloud recording solutions that move you there safely and gradually. You can experience both security and agility. You can keep your existing ACD. You can start using cloud-native business applications, such as Quality Management and Interaction Analytics – and enjoy the CXone experience sooner than you ever imagined.

For more about how your organization’s contact center recording can flourish in the cloud, click here.


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