Top 10 Best Excuses for Agents Being Late or Absent to Work

We had a great response to Wednesday's blog with our Top 10 list from the Early Morning Show at ICUC 2011. I thought I'd dig back into the archives and share the Top 10 list from ICUC 2010. The great thing about it is that lists like these hold up quite well over time. Today we have "Top 10 Best Excuses for Agents Being Late or Absent to Work".

Top 10 Best Excuses for Agents Being Late or Absent to Work

10. I was lost in the mountains for 3 days.

9. I got food poisoning last night. (Yet this only occurs on Saturday and Sunday mornings.)

8. I think I’m allergic to the center.

7. I just bought a new dog and it’s home with my other dog. I really want to check on them to make sure they’re not fighting.

6. I was abducted by aliens.

5. I realized I don’t have any clean bras, so unless you want me to come to work braless, I’m going to have to wait until they’re out of the dryer.

4. I was late because I left late.

3. I was in jail for a couple of days.

2. I had explosive diarrhea.

1. I quit.

If you have any great excuses you've heard in your call center, please share them in the comment section below.


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