inContact Agent for Salesforce

The New NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce Release

Call it the proverbial "icing on the cake", but sometimes small changes can make a big difference!

There’s no doubt about it: our integration with Salesforce has all the right ingredients. It is multimedia, it blends seamlessly with the Salesforce interface, and it gives agents access to customer information with each interaction they handle –whether it is an inbound or outbound call, voicemail, email or chat. Does that mean we should lean back and file that recipe in our book under “keepers”? Far from it, there’s always room for improvement!

In our recent V3.1.1 release of the NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce, we delivered a number of enhancements driven by customer feedback, as well as our strategic direction for the NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce. Let’s take a look at what those enhancements are:

  • Added support for Commitments: agents can now create a Commitment by adding the name and phone number of a customer they need to follow up with. A Commitment can be assigned to an individual agent or to a queue, and can be flexibly scheduled to occur anytime; from just a couple of minutes out (if you just need to quickly research something, then call back) to a more distant, specific time in the future.
  • Chat interactions now have advanced message formatting, which allows the agent to bold, italicize, and underline text, and change font type and color. In addition, users can now use hyperlinks and send text in HTML format. Talk about adding color to the icing!
  • The NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce in V3.1.1 supports dual dispositions. When enabled, it will display two disposition boxes from which to select dispositions. This provides more precise tracking of agent activities, and is much better reporting. It’s like having your cake and eating it, too!
  • We have added the Call Duration metric on the Contact History panel! You can now go back whenever you need to and easily find out how long your interactions took. Very handy!
  • Last but not least: In the past, agents were sometimes struggling to identify when they received a new email or chat contact, or when they received a response from a chat patron. Now, even when they don’t have the NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce interface tab or window in focus, responses and new email or chat interactions are indicated with audible and visual alerts. It’s like the timer on your oven! Never miss another interaction…

Getting a “ding” for a new chat response sounds like a small thing, doesn’t it? But customer feedback proves that the small things can be huge! In fact, we heard from a customer of ours that they consider this new feature a real treat, and would provide our engineers with baked goods galore, if they were just a little bit closer… Sounds like we not only added the icing, but some extra sprinkles on top of that!

Visit AppExchange today and try the NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce for yourself! It’s free of charge with a current NICE CXone account. Just beware that once you get a taste of this cake, you may not be able to stop at just one bite…


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