The "Great Service" Movement

It is hard to teach someone how to provide excellent customer service.  When it comes to something like customer service it is often quicker and more effective to show examples of good service rather than to break it down into raw elements and try to replicate it mechanically.  We all like to have models to see, someone to look up to, examples to follow.  We also know that poor service travels quickly via word of mouth so it is important to recognize the good examples of customer service because they often go unrecognized.

Think about how you are providing customer service.  Are there ways you can do a better job at recognizing and rewarding it?

  • Generally speaking, how do you treat your customers?  It is worthy of recognition?
  • Generally speaking, how do you treat your employees?  It is worthy of recognition?
  • How do your employees treat your callers?  It is worthy of recognition?
  • How do your callers treat your employees?  It is worthy of recognition?

If you use Twitter, you can use this tag #greatservice to proactively recognize good service and share it with others.  Perhaps by sharing more examples of great service we can collectively improve customer service.

Remember, what we reward gets repeated. I'd love to hear your experiences - please feel free to comment below.


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