Taking the First Step with Speech Analytics

One of the biggest objectives for a contact center is understanding how to better serve your customers and meet their needs. So, how do you track what your customers want? Speech analytics is a great tool to get into the minds of your customers. This solution gives your organization access to key words, phrases and terms that are often used by customers during their call to your contact center. This then can give you the competitive edge your organization needs to improve your customer service skills.

How do you get started? Let’s begin with:

Step 1: Form Your Analytics Team.

Enlisting a team of representative stakeholders from impacted departments who will define the business needs, desired outcomes and success criteria for the initial analytics project is essential.

Begin by creating your project charter and confirming management commitment to support the analytics implementation. Establish buy-in across departments to align all stakeholders’ goals and objectives for using analytics to achieve bottom-line

Achieving service excellence comes through the adoption of a unified, integrated approach to addressing customer needs and interactions. The essential lesson organizations need to absorb and embrace in today’s global marketplaces, where near-instant communication is increasingly available, is simply this: customers rule. The sheer number of customers and their attitudes and opinions can have momentous impact on success, particularly with the ease of social media communication to convey sentiment and issues to great numbers of current customers and potential new ones. An organization’s ability to listen to, understand and respond to customer perceptions and views can positively impact the outcome of new product launches and market share growth.

Step 2. Representative Stakeholders

Be sure the team’s representatives include all levels of the organization’s hierarchy, say, from chief customer officer to frontline agent. Include staff that interacts with customers daily. Their perspectives on goals, objectives and daily operations, along with their feedback from customer interactions, is essential to focusing the speech analytics tool’s powerful indexing and retrieving of important intelligence from the large volume of recorded interactions.

Dedicate staff to “own” the project. This individual or team will maintain an overview of the analytics practice implementation. Assess additional staffing requirements. Staff dedicated to implementing the speech analytics must have the ability to pose probing questions to identify key words, terms and phrases that illuminate important issues and opportunities, problems with processes and products, service delivery bottlenecks and possible improper handling of business matters.


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