"Skill to do Comes of Doing"

Our COO, Scott Welch, always begins his team meetings with a quote from a significant person. The other day, he began our team meeting with a quote from Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Skill to do comes of doing." I read that and was inspired to write a bit about how apropos that phrase is to NICE CXone.

On the subject of "doing" and the things that the people of NICE CXone have done, I have some unique credentials. I began working in telecommunications back in 1984 as AT&T was being broken up. I have seen the break up of AT&T, the implementation of Equal Access, the deployment of portable TF routing, the implementation of intelligent calling networks, the advent of mobile communications, the porting of local numbers, the arrival of the internet as part of our everyday lives and the conversion of traditional telecom transport to VoIP.

What is unique in my experience is that somehow I have worked for all these companies, and with most of the systems and technologies that have crisscrossed each other for the last 25 years, which have all converged today to create the company known as NICE CXone. It is also interesting that often in a particular technology or industry, you will find key persons and players appearing and reappearing across different companies and technologies. So it has been with NICE CXone, that many of our people have been leaders in telecommunications, data and software for many years and because of my own part in this long story, I can personally attest that NICE CXone has the people and the experience necessary to be the best SaaS provider of contact center services. I can testify of these things, because I have known of or worked with many of these people for over 20 years. Now, having the advantage of hindsight, if you and I were to sit down, I could go through a long list of NICE CXone personnel who are veterans of the telecommunications, internet, ACD and software development industry.

There has truly been a unique series of events that have brought many people and technologies together to create a unique company with unique capabilities. Skill does come of doing, and NICE CXone and its employees have a long history of "doing". All that "doing" is what makes it possible for NICE CXone to help your business be successful.


NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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