Screen Capture is a Must-Have

​Imagine eating an Oreo cookie without the filling or trying to steer a canoe without a paddle. While these images are quite different, they are both unsettling, because an essential component is missing in each one. (Given the choice, however, I’d prefer to lose out on the filling, as it’s less dangerous than being in a canoe without a way to steer!)  ​

For years, contact centers have performed quality assurance (QA, or quality management (QM)) by just listening to calls – screen capture was not an option. Surprisingly, DMG Consulting LLC research has found that more than half of organizations that perform QA/QM today are still just listening to their calls and do not also review the screens/video. Any form of QA/QM is better than none, as it’s essential to have “checks and balances” in contact centers and other types of sales and support organizations where employees interact with and make commitments to customers, prospects and the public. But this approach provides only a limited understanding of what is happening during a conversation, which places an organization at risk (the canoe analogy) and misses out on important dynamics of the situation (the cookie filling). I think you get the point, so enough with the cookies and canoes. 

Not Doing Screen Capture Is Risky and Costly

Being unable to simultaneously listen to and watch how agents handle a call is really not a laughing matter, as it places organizations at risk for fraudulent behavior. It also negatively impacts agent performance quality and productivity, as QA/QM specialists cannot see what agents are doing and therefore cannot provide coaching tips and training in response to opportunities identified during a monitoring session. (The most expensive component of a QA/QM program is the staff who operate the program, so it is a waste not to do screen capture, as specialists can listen to calls and watch screens simultaneously without adding any additional time or dollars to the process.)

It’s Time to Add Screen Capture

With the ever-increasing amount of non-call transactions – emails, chat sessions, SMS, social media interactions – screen capture and replay is not an option; it is the only way to see what’s going on, including the promises and commitments your agents are making to customers. Not doing QA/QM for text-based transactions is a major mistake. If the transactions are social media posts, QA/QM will be done in a public forum. And if the interactions are emails, chat sessions and SMS, QA/QM’ing them is as important as it is for phone calls, even if they are less public.

Screen capture is not a new technology; it’s been around for over 20 years and is a mature application. Screen capture adds a necessary dimension to the QA/QM process for calls, and is a highly effective method for providing structured oversight for the non-phone-based interactions that are increasingly flowing through organizations. The incremental cost for adding it to a phone-based QA/QM application is not high, particularly given its benefits and contributions. 

Organizations that do not perform screen capture are putting themselves at risk, as they have no way of knowing if their agents are taking inappropriate steps and actions on behalf of their customers. But even if all of your agents always do what they should (which is unlikely, as many studies have shown that a great deal of fraud is internal), without screen capture, you have no way of identifying costly but avoidable agent performance and productivity issues. So, whether you can tolerate your Oreo cookies without filling or you can manage canoeing without a paddle, you certainly can’t run an optimal contact center without using screen capture. Performing simultaneous call and screen recording and having the ability to capture insights from screen-based interactions is a requirement for your enterprise and customers.  

Donna Fluss ( is the president of DMG Consulting, a provider of contact center, analytics and back-office market research and consulting.​

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