3 Best Practices for Getting Robotic Process Automation Right

During a recent business trip I took, I had the chance to learn all about Robotic Process Automation (RPA). What I didn’t expect was the course would be held in a Car Rental Parking lot at a major international airport! Omer Fuchs, a well known expert in the Robotic Process Automation area, decided that there was “no time like the present” to explain to me and thousands of LinkedIn followers how RPA is about providing an Experience Transformation for Contact Center employees, resulting in more satisfied customers.

Omer spoke about the complexities that Contact Center employees face every day in their jobs as they have to respond to a wide array of customer inquiries and navigate a multitude of systems and processes. The result is high levels of frustration for employees and customers due to lengthy interactions, accidental mistakes and even non-compliance with business regulations. He spoke about the concept of “Automation for the People”, an empowering approach that enables Humans and Robots to work together to reduce the complexities in the Contact Center resulting in more satisfied employees and customers.

Automation for the People

It was amazing how Omer quickly made me realize how much we all take for granted the helpful role that robots play in our daily lives today. Without them we probably couldn’t even navigate our way during that family vacation many of us took this past summer! The use of a GPS application on our phones like Google Maps or WAZE, is a perfect example of technology changes that impact our personal lives and result in us expecting a similar Experience Transformation in our work environment through the use of a robotic assistant. Think of all those frustrating mistakes you used to make driving to a new place with a map and making the wrong turn. Or the hour long delay in traffic jam you got stuck in because you didn’t know about the accident a few miles up on the road. Unfortunately you just missed the exit you could have taken to avoid it! And then of course there are those costly mistakes we make in our job that we wish we could have avoided.

The Key To Success

But this is not about a “one and done” approach. If you’re serious about providing an Experience Transformation through RPA, then ensuring you identify the right processes to focus on is a key to success. With the many processes and people within a typical business you need to continue to ensure you get the most ROI possible, you need to continue to maintain, measure and refine your RPA approach to transform your business to an automation-enabled organization.

Watch below my talk with Omer on LinkedIn Live from NICE. The question I have is, could Omer have fit into that Economy size car if that’s all they had? Let me know what you think by sending me an email at david.wasserman@nice.com

To read more about NICE’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions -visit our RPA webpage


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