Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (28th April, 2016)

The best thing in this week’s CMO Perspectives is our TWEET OF THE WEEK from Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar​ with his list of the people with the most retweets or mentions by CMOs in Q1 2016, you are at least going to want to make sure that you are following all these people. We also feature the great Dion Hincliffe [] on the future of the CMO, CCO, CIO and CDO; Chloe Basterfield [] on real-time marketing as the key to real ​success; And not one, but two summaries of the Salesforce 2016 State of Marketing Annual Report and more. Enjoy!

Restructuring the C-Suite for Digital Business: The Future of the CMO, CCO, CIO, and CDO []

Each week the content that appears in CMO Perspectives, is a collaborative effort of three or four of NICE's top marketers and SEO experts. This week when discussing which links to include, there was an almost unanimous sharing of WOW, this is a good one when it comes to Dion Hincliffe's, "Restructuring the C-Suite for Digital Business: The Future of the CMO, CCO, CIO, and CDO." Hincliffe analyzes and talks about trends in the industry and particularly the current one of combining the roles of CMO and CCO.

Real-time marketing: The key to real success? []

Chloe Basterfield writes that according to the Oracle Marketing Cloud/Econsultancy Cross-Channel Marketing Report 2015 just 26% of marketers believe that real-time customer experience is ‘fundamental’ to their business. Which is very surprising in a world where Millennial customers wanted everything, and NOW! In fact, as Basterfield rightly points out, in 2016 real-time marketing isn't just a nice-to-have: it's a mandatory! Good thing then that we have the solutions to help you with your real-time customer service.

How To Avoid 5 Common Social Customer Service Pitfalls []

With social media now playing a major role as a channel for customer service, as millions of consumers turn to Twitter, Facebook and other platforms to talk about brands, air grievances and ask questions. You will definitely want to check out these 5 common social customer service pitfalls published by
  1. Lack of Leadership
  2. Inability to Engage with Customers During Peak Traffic
  3. Isolated Social Customer Service Teams
  4. Slow or Impersonal Responses
  5. Too Many Touch Points When Handling Customer Cases

Here is what is being said about the Salesforce 2016 State of Marketing Annual Report:

3 Practices of High-Performing Marketing Teams []

Yup! Like it or not, customer satisfaction and customer engagement are increasing considered as two of the top measures for success by marketers. Here CMO Innovation's Paul Mah takes a closer look at the recent 2016 State of Marketing annual report by Salesforce, and zooms in on three strategies that marketers may want to consider. Asking also, what some of the top marketing teams in the world are doing in the midst of the rapid changes that digital is forcing upon them?

Engagement Is Byword For Savvy Marketers []

Obviously the new Salesforce report is making quite the impact, because here is another piece discussing the results of the report. Jack Loechner writing for Mediapost highlights the top facts and figures of the report into this concise piece, stating that, "The physical and digital worlds are merging, says the report, causing people to expect personalized, consistent brand interactions across every channel and device. This shift is making the customer journey more important than ever before, and ultimately evolving marketers into customer experience designers."

This week our TWEET OF THE WEEK comes from the inspirational Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar with his list of the people with the most retweets or mentions by CMOs in Q1 2016.


We hope you enjoyed this week’s CMO Perspectives, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX or follow us on LinkedIn.



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