Realize Real ROI - Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we began to explore how optimizing process before a significant technology rollout can yield strong success and even stronger ROI. Clients often ask me, “What are the most important processes to examine first?” That’s a great question and the answer depends on a number of factors:

  1. Your industry: are you in healthcare, financial services, retail or a BPO?
  2. What aspects of the business do you support through your center: sales, tech support, collections or help desk?
  3. What are the most important processes in your business: those that have the broadest revenue impact or are directly attributable to customer satisfaction, repurchasing or loyalty?
  4. What are the “squeaky wheel” processes today: those things that don’t work well and cause slowdowns in response and productivity? (Important tip: don’t know? Ask your agents! They do…)
  5. What are those master processes in your business that touch many functions and can impact other service delivery downstream?

We recently worked with a leading utility company that identified move in/move out as a master process in their enterprise. Without clarity on how to establish or disconnect service, there were billing system issues, CRM challenges, liability concerns and frustration all around. We helped that provider optimize this critical business process, making them dramatically more effective.

Another often overlooked master process is change management. We have seen countless businesses that have an under-scoped or ineffective change management process that can literally undermine a major technology deployment. Without great change management, something as seemingly simple as adding a new skill can blow up management reports or wreak unforeseen havoc in your center.

The moral of this story? Optimizing process can make or break your business and EPIC Connections can help.

Stay tuned for the final installment in this series as we look at one major retailer that saved millions of dollars optimizing a technology deployment after its initial inception.

About EPIC Connections

Founded in 2003, EPIC Connections, Inc. is a global services company that empowers your organization to get real ROI results from every technology deployment. EPIC's experienced team of contact center professionals optimizes your operations, processes, shapes behaviors, goals and KPIs and ensures you get the maximum benefit from your agents and your technology.


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