How to Maintain Customer Satisfaction Remotely with NICE ENLIGHTEN

How to Maintain Customer Satisfaction Remotely with NICE ENLIGHTEN

Headset charged? Internet connection solid? OK, great, because we have more to talk about – your customers and their needs. We have all migrated our daily lives into a work from home setting, and we are doing our best to adjust quickly and beat the coronavirus pandemic. Now, more than ever, it is critical to keep the whole organization focused and at ease doing their jobs. What’s more, the employees at the front are key to ensuring that customers also feel comforted and safe with the businesses they interact with.

We at NICE have done just what all businesses are doing right now, and we closely examined how we can continue to provide leadership and assist our clients in times of change. As we worked through the challenges businesses face in this COVID-19 climate, we realized that our newest offering, NICE ENLIGHTEN for Customer Satisfaction, is even stronger through today’s lens.

This new solution provides out-of-the-box AI behavior models that take difficult to answer, subjective questions about how agents are performing on every interaction and deliver an objective score. It is easy for agents to know how they are performing at any given point of time because they can view their scored interactions from a personalized dashboard from the comfort of their home offices. It provides them with the capabilities to take action such as listen to their calls, self-evaluate or request coaching. Examples among our 10+ behavior models include the ability to provide scores for behaviors such as “Show Respect,” “Empathy,” “Build Rapport,” and “Promote Self-Service.”

A sample dashboard displaying NICE ENLIGHTEN behavioral models as viewed by Site location, by Team, and by Agent. Executives, Site Managers, Team Leaders, and agents can monitor their performance and take corrective action quickly.

The beauty of these AI models is that they take the burden off the quality managers to identify specific interactions that demonstrate why an employee is showing negative sentiment scores, while also identifying areas that even the top performers can improve on. Coaching conversations are pointed and concise, agent score appeal rates drop dramatically, and the entire organization maintains laser focus on excellent customer satisfaction.

All this, with the added benefit of employee satisfaction. Agents perceive this new method of behavior scoring as fair and trustworthy, and it allows them to know exactly where they stand within the organization. They can take action to self-improve or request coaching, which gives them more control over their performance, and ultimately their compensation. With the current climate, it’s even more important to give agents a feeling of control, confidence, and engagement within a team.

Our clients using NICE ENLIGHTEN are having tremendous success. It has made a positive impact across every part of their organizations, from executives to agents. Every role is focused as a whole on the same KPIs, and they are seeing immediate results, such as:

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction/NPS/tNPS scores
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction
  • Increased operational efficiency
  • Decreased manual listening
  • Decreased reliance on transactional surveys

Get a more in-depth view of how you can make this a strong part of your quality management and analytics programs with this webinar, The New Age of AI Data-Modeling in Quality Management. Or, find additional resources at


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