Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (25th March, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (25th March, 2016)

In CX Buzz this week we have the most amazing infographic to share with you from JustUno [], with 65 E-commerce facts and figures about consumer psychology. We had a hard time deciding which bit to snip and use for our preview. We also loved the interview from with 19 industry experts giving their definition of CX. Make sure you check out our Tweet of the Week from Jeff Sheehan @jeffsheehan and don’t forget that if you have a piece you would like featured in our coming Buzz editions, contact us below. Enjoy!

What is Customer Experience? 19 Industry Experts Weigh In []
What do 19 of the top industry experts have to say about Customer Experience? With thanks to UserTesting and Spencer Lanoue we get to see how the greats like Jay Baer, Ted Rubin, Kerry Bodine, Shep Hyken and many more define CX and what they have to say about it. A great read.

65 E-Commerce Statistics about Consumer Psychology []
WOW! There are infographics and then there is this amazing infographic from JustUno with 65 E-commerce statistics about consumer psychology. We have shown you just a small snippet regarding customer service, but click on the link above and check out the whole graphic it is truly remarkable. Thanks JustUno!

4 Technology Trends Improving Customer Experience in 2016 []
The time is now to get serious about the technologies you use to deliver better customer experiences and NICE can help you. Here are the technology trends that are improving CX for 2016 according to Donna Peeples and and what solutions NICE has to help you face those technology challenges head-on:
  1. Omnichannel Service - a common frustration expressed by customers is repeating a problem to multiple customer service agents. Omnichannel service has been developed to solve this and NICE has solutions to help you with your Omnichannel service too - read more here.
  2. Individualization Through Big Data - Big data analytics is changing how businesses operate and communicate with customers. The availability and democratization of information is bringing insights into customer behavior, preferences, and issues that impact the customer experience. See how NICE solutions help you with your big data analytics needs, here.
  3. Artificial Intelligence - Along with virtual reality and driverless cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is possibly the hottest thing in technology right now. The development of AI will have huge implications for the customer care industry as it enables businesses to scale through individually-relevant conversations and at the same time scale business process automation.
  4. Leveraging Messaging to Provide Transparent, Real-Time Communication - Truly great customer experiences rely heavily on a brand’s capability to communicate with its customers in a conversational way, but to also act in real time. Here is how we can help you with Real-Time Guidance & Automation.

Don’t Let Volatile Markets Scare You Away From Customer Experience Investments []
If you like horror shows, forget The Walking Dead and check out global markets: In 2016, US stocks got off to their worst start ever. Harley Manning tells us why panicking and cutting CX budgets is a terrible idea because CX is the greatest potential source of competitive advantage — especially in times of high market volatility. Saying that CX leaders grow revenue 3x faster than CX laggards and superior CX drives customer loyalty and purchase intent. This is good advice for the cautious spender.

Why Mobile First Is No Longer Enough; It’s Time To Think About Mobile Only Design []
We would not expect anything but the best insights and trend advice from Brian Solis and he doesn't disappoint in his latest blog post. As he says, for the last few years, “mobile first!” has become the mantra among savvy digital marketers. But a mobile first approach seems to be more of an ideology than it is a standard in digital design. Recent research shows that marketers still invest in mobile as an afterthought or as a bolt on to more mainstream digital programs. For some reason, executives still need more convincing to properly fund and support mobile initiatives that span the entire customer journey not just pieces of it. Now it is time to think about mobile only design, says Solis. What do you think?


We hope you enjoyed this week’s CX Buzz, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX or follow us on LinkedIn.



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