Great customer experience during the holidays is a great stress test for contact centers

How did you perform during your recent customer experience ‘stress test’?

Happy New Year!  Did your customer service team pass the big test? Are you still in the middle of it?  Or do you have no idea what I’m talking about?

Most, if not all businesses are wrapping up an informal ‘stress test’ on their customer service operations that could have a big impact on their business for the coming year and beyond.  The holiday rush not only drives big business for retail, distribution and travel/hospitality – but also a surge in customer service opportunities. These are your chance to make or break a long-term bond with your customers.

Many retailers, consumer products companies, and financial services companies (use a credit card anyone?) are still in the thick of returns and other service requests.  Let’s not forget healthcare, we are in the thick of a pretty nasty flu season in the US right now.  And even B2B industries are experiencing a rush as they fulfill the classic “budget flush” orders at the end of the year.

So how did your team perform in their CX ‘stress test’?

Your answer to this question has never been more important for the long-term health of your business and loyalty of your best customers.  The customer experience you deliver across every touchpoint and channel in their relationship with your business has never been more important in earning loyal brand advocates. Consumer tastes are shifting, and at NICE CXone, we’ve been doing the research.

Consider these statistics: 8 in 10 consumers will switch brands after a bad customer experience. But, on a positive note, a top-tier customer experience is equally impactful. 9 in 10 customers are willing to buy more from companies with an excellent customer experience.

Now more than ever, customer experience has a direct impact on a company’s bottom line. Customer experience is a crucial differentiator, and a direct driver of profitability. Is your customer experience among the best in your industry, across your priority customer segments and multiple service channels? Or are you giving your competition a big opening to poach your best customers before next year’s CX ‘stress test’?

If you recognize there is room for improvement in your organization’s customer experience, where should you begin?

To improve customer experience, begin at the contact center. Customers are demanding a great experience, and top-tier brands are seeing exceptional ROI when they start with their contact center to enhance customer experience. Consumers want more options: 87% are more willing to do business with companies that offer more ways to communicate with them. Plus, speed has never mattered more — 94% of customers expect companies to direct them to the method of contacting them that resolves their situation in the quickest way.

Want to learn more, and take the first steps towards a stronger customer experience? Register now for this interactive discussion, where our team of experts and a fellow contact center leader will present our exclusive research, plus actionable insights on impressing who matters most: your customers. Register here for our webinar and pass next year’s ‘stress test’ with flying colors: Making Customer Experience a Competitive Differentiator.


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