
Get Moving with Mobile

There is a flood of mobile use and it’s such a game changer that contact centers will either sink or swim. The proliferation of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, is changing the ways customers expect to interact with companies. It’s the age of the customer and people’s perception of great service is changing – expectations are higher than ever. Brand loyalty now has less to do with the product you provide, and more to do with the service you provide.

Mobile devices have become a tool we rely on to give us power, freedom of expression, and the capacity to interact with companies has gone to a whole new level. The reality is that smartphones allow everyone to be connected at all times. Now 24/7 access is not just desired, it’s required. NICE is keeping pace with the trend and continues to add mobile capabilities.

Customers are always on-the-go. They appreciate it when companies respect their time. That means allowing them to contact you through their preferred channel. A simple “click to schedule a call back” option within a mobile app provides customer satisfaction while lowering some of the demands on your contact center. Instead of having an influx of calls waiting in queue, you’re allowing your agents to contact a customer at the time they’ve requested. This decreases the frustration levels of customers because they do not have to wait on hold, which means the agent can start a customer interaction on the right foot.

Your customer will appreciate the idea of not sitting in queue listening to bad hold music. They will also have a better impression of your company because you have shown respect for their time and demonstrated that you care about their overall experience with your company. Scheduling a call back is an easy feature to implement that more companies should be utilizing this.

Imagine checking your JetBlue Airways mobile app to  learn your flight has been delayed. Already your emotions are probably heightened. Frustrated and somewhat annoyed, you press the “click-to-chat with an agent” button from within the app. You’re automatically connected to an agent who says “Hello, Ms. Smith, I see you are inquiring about your flight status, how else may I assist you?”

The fact that you were addressed by name and the agent already understands your issue has probably lessened your degree of frustration. And to top it off the agent can see all your flight information without you having to ask you to repeat it once again! Genius right? Not exactly. In fact, this level of service is not difficult nor is it too complex for most organizations to begin adopting.  It’s a matter of admitting the customer service landscape is changing and the level of service you commit to, must change as well.

Effortless service is what consumers expect, and today we’re seeing companies providing exceptional customer service to increase satisfaction, revenue, and ultimately keep customer retention rates high. In understanding that customer preferences are changing, companies have an opportunity to meet their expectations for convenient service. If you don’t provide it, someone else will, and mobile users know the type of service they want.  Adopting some of these easy, effective levels of service are necessary in order to stay competitive, and cater to up-and- coming generations whose experience with a mobile device is practically intuitive. When it comes to mobile customer service, now is the time to sink or swim – lose customer loyalty or meet and exceed customer expectations.

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