
First Impressions Count

First impressions count. We’ve all heard the adage ”first impressions are lasting impressions.” The rule of thumb is that we have about seven seconds to make a good first impression. As it relates to everyday life, those seven seconds can often mean the difference between getting your dream job or not, securing financing for a new venture or not, or whether you decide to do business with a company or not. In fact, when your customers call you, they are interviewing your company - every time they call! At any given moment, one of these thoughts pass through your customers’ minds: 

  • How quickly can I speak to someone?
  • How many menus do I need to navigate?
  • Will I hear the option that fits my reason for calling?
  • Will the Customer Service Representative be able to assist me effectively?

These are just some of the many assessments that your customers are making – all within a few quick seconds.  And, because 80% of customers will stop doing business with a company after one bad experience, you’ll want to be certain your bases are covered. Even more staggering, 27% of those customers will never do business with that same company again. Add on the fact that customers tend to talk more openly about their negative experiences than their positive ones and you’ve got your work cut out for you. One poor experience can be detrimental to your brand, customer loyalty, and bottom line. 

Your IVR is customers first interaction with your company - meaning your customer has already formed an impression long before they speak to an agent. Make a lasting first impression by optimizing your IVR today –  learn more about how NICE can help!


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