Compliance Must Continue, Even in a Pandemic

In today’s world technology is changing - and fast. In our personal lives, we use lots of different technologies to communicate with friends and family all over the world – mobile phones, video, chat, email and social networks. In this way at least, the world has truly become a ‘smaller place.’ In a strange twist of events, these technologies now connect us together more than ever – in spite of the social distance guidelines we all must follow to keep our communities and loved ones safe.

In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, the same technologies that enable us to connect to loved ones in our daily lives, can also play a vital role in our work lives as well, as business as usual transitions from the office to work at home. The only difference is – for firms, especially those in the financial services sector, regulations are also key. FSOs are governed by regulations that require regulated employee communications to be recorded and surveilled, even when those employees work from home.  And most regulators are standing firm on their expectations to maintain market integrity in these turbulent times. Compliance must continue, even in a pandemic.

Communication modalities that used to be forbidden by most FSOs (e.g. personal cell phones) are now being used to conduct regulated business. Unified Communications Platforms, like Microsoft Teams, have also become popular tools of the trade. In short, work at home has added to the compliance complexities.

At NICE we understand these challenges and that’s why we’ve developed a single go-to solution that can capture, store, search and replay any trade and compliance-related communication regardless of its modality.  Firms around the globe also look to us for cloud-based recording, compliance assurance and surveillance solutions that can be quickly deployed and are scalable to support any number of regulated employees, wherever they may be working.

Want to learn more? I invite you to visit our Trade@Home resource centre to access a wealth of helpful information.


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