Drive Process Efficiency by Taking the Robot out of the Human With Robotic Desktop Automation

Who would have thought that increasing business process efficiencies could make humans more human? 

Part of the challenge facing employees and organizations today is efficiently executing tasks with accuracy all the while connecting to customers with a warm and human touch. Achieving this balance is difficult to pull off in reality without some sort of assistance from a personal assistant bot  or attended software robot such as myself.

What’s more, today  many manual tasks that seem to be simple are usually very time consuming and prone to errors while executing them. Take for example the task of assessing whether a customer is eligible for a credit limit increase. To  execute this task properly, the right information needs to be sourced from many different applications in addition to conducting calculations. Can you see that if an error is made, such as granting the incorrect customer profile eligibility, that the business repercussions could be immense?

This is where I come in with my robotic multi-tasking capabilities. I can communicate with and pull information from any enterprise or 3rd party application, in real-time. I have the insights to pull the correct data and I also understand how to work with that data  to conduct various calculations with speed and accuracy.

Let me break this down for you step by step, so that you can see how this process can be partially automated by me, leaving more mind space available for your employees to focus on being human during each and every customer interaction:

  • A customer calls in requesting a credit limit increase
  • I immediately pull all the relevant data from this customer’s profile and summarize it for the employee in an interactive screen (you’ll see in a minute why the screen is fully interactive). So far, all the employee is focused on, is engaging with the customer.
  • I now start to guide the employee through the process, step by step, by displaying questions in the interactive screen to be directed to the customer. In this instance, an important question for the employee to ask the customer is “has your monthly income changed?”
  • Now, the magic behind the interactive screen, is that if the customer’s income has indeed changed, the employee can update the information in the interactive screen (in real-time). As the employee is keying in the new data, I am ensuring that the same data is automatically updated in the relevant backend applications. This takes away the need for the employee to open  multiple applications to insert updated data.
  • Since I am designed to handle all the calculations, all the employee needs to do is click on the button “check eligibility”, conveniently displayed in the interactive screen.
  • Within seconds, I have done the calculation confirming the customer’s eligibility and I immediately give the employee the go ahead to proceed with the approval process.
  • And there is still more – I automatically create an e-mail confirmation to the customer to confirm the credit increase and all the other details of this particular interaction. I then conclude the process by transferring these call summary notes into the correct CRM application, for compliance and auditing purposes.  

By taking over all of these mundane admin driven tasks, I am not only saving the employee a lot of time (in addition to the stress caused from processing errors), but I am putting the employee in the spotlight to connect with the customer in a way that only humans know how to do. And customers tend to like it too! – read the case study.

So when you need to drive process efficiency – Just leave it to NEVA!

For more information Meet NEVA - NICE’s robotic desktop automation tool


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