Don't Just Try Harder Achieve More

This spring we unveiled our benchmark assessment tool. Now the results are in, and you can see them in our newly developed interactive infographic. We compiled and analyzed the responses from 378 contact center professionals, and the results reveal insights into specific trends – including 45% of respondents telling us the biggest priority for contact centers today is improving the customer experience.

Be a company that doesn’t just want to try harder at engaging their customers but wants to achieve more by taking concrete steps. As you move forward, keep the three following tips in mind.

1. Customer Service Always Counts

In the age of the consumer, it’s important to differentiate yourself from the competition by providing an outstanding customer experience. According to a study we conducted with Harris Interactive, 60% of consumers are often or always paying more for a better experience. Make customer service one of your top priorities, and you’re well on your way to creating customer loyalty:

  • Promote your company by engaging customers – not just marketing to them
  • Educate your employees – empower them to create memorable customer service experiences
  • Recognize loyal customers – acknowledge people who stay committed to your brand

2. The Best-in-Class Continually Measure Performance

Every contact center wants a high first-call resolution rate. That’s because repeat customer contact is an indication that customer needs aren’t being met. It’s critical to continually measure performance, and make sure the customer is having a positive experience with your contact center. The right metrics can tell you which agents need additional coaching and which ones drive repeat customer traffic. Sixty-nine percent of the Best-in-Class contact centers are more likely to identify the latter, while the industry average falls at 59% and laggard contact centers come in at 35%.

3. Agent Retention Equals Profit Retention

When you lose agents, you have to train new ones and this gets to be expensive. The Center for American Progress reports that the average cost to replace an employee earning $30K annually is approximately $5K.

Losing employees is also costly because it means your contact center customers are talking to “green” agents more often. This can mean repeat customer contact and lower levels of customer loyalty, which ties back into the first two points about measuring performance and maintaining focus on customer service. By following these three pointers, you can take meaningful steps toward achieving more – and becoming a best-in-class contact center.

Learn more:

  • Benchmark your contact center today.
  • See what you can learn from best-in-class contact centers – take a look at our infographic.


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