Digital Room Takes Control of its Contact Centers on Unified CXone Platform

Digital Room Takes Control of its Contact Centers on Unified CXone Platform

E-commerce printing company Digital Room had been using different vendors for voice, email and chat. From downtime to sub-optimal scheduling to the lack of a unified picture of performance, the fragmented system presented a growing array of issues that eventually caused the company to re-think its options.

With the decision to move to NICE and its NICE CXone unified cloud contact center CX platform, Digital Room took control of its multiple contact center locations—and has never looked back. Not only has the company gained efficiencies by unifying its locations on the CXone platform, service levels and agent utilization have both improved, and it is realizing a positive return on its investment.

Before moving to CXone, Digital Room struggled to balance its growth with managing the challenges of the disparate systems that supported its contact center systems. In fact, while the company was experiencing 25 percent annual growth, it was wrestling with headaches behind scenes. An unacceptable amount of downtime, clunky, time-consuming updates, and the difficulty of manually scheduling its 300 agents located in far-flung contact centers in California, Texas, Connecticut and the Philippines were just a few.

Digital Room’s wish list was no small order. It included moving to a consolidated cloud platform that supported multiple channels, IVR and workforce management—a solution with the flexibility to grow with the company and with the right price. 

But with NICE’s NICE CXone platform, the company fulfilled its wishlist and then some. It gained functionality, flexibility, cost-efficiency, expert support and the ability to customize solutions. Uptime, too, has had a significant positive impact on the business (NICE CXone has a 99.9% uptime guarantee).

Learn more about Digital Room’s experience with NICE CXone and how it continues to leverage the advantages of CXone solutions, from CXone Workforce Management to CXone APIs to Proactive XS.