Globe next to rising chart for globalization of contact centers

CXone Enables Companies to Provide Exceptional Customer Experience Globally

As the world shrinks and is more connected, technology enables companies of all sizes to scale globally. Whether a European organization is looking to expand into other European countries, or a U.S.-based company is expanding across the pond, adapting products and brand awareness to multiple new markets and cultures is not only doable but is often necessary for growth and survival.

There’s also the matter of how to provide responsive and relevant service to a diverse customer base in ways that comply with evolving security and privacy laws. That’s why, as they ‘go global,’ many companies are turning to NICE and our CXone unified cloud contact center platform,

Organizations may be consolidating existing contact centers or opening new ones. They’re likely to be dealing with disparate, outdated and costly on-premises systems that lack agility and expandability. Regardless, companies face the challenge of providing consistent and exceptional CX to customers in the channels they want—in ways that “meet them where they are” and resonate in ways they’re familiar with. Exceptional CX is often informed by regional or local business practices, cultural nuances, laws and regulations.

With CXone,  NICEhas been helping organizations in Europe act smarter and respond faster to their customers’ rising expectations for outstanding service. With NICE’s redundant data centers in Frankfurt and Munich come regional access to CXone’s complete suite of cloud applications that serve local needs and enables compliance. And with all applications on one cloud, CXone keeps contact center operations running smoothly and efficiently, which keeps customer service teams productive and engaged. Around the world, in fact, CXone is used by more than 430,000 agents operating in more than 100 countries.

Case in point: MoneyGram, a global company and the second-largest money transfer service in the world, with 13 contact centers that support 22 languages (50 through the IVR). Before CXone, the company’s fragmented contact centers operated on different platforms with uneven quality management, which kept the company from consistently delivering the kind of experience its customers expected.

But once MoneyGram moved to the CXone unifie
d cloud CX platform—a full-system global integration—the advantages quickly accumulated. For example, 30 different IVR applications were consolidated into three, which greatly improved both agents’ and customers’ experience.
With CXone, MoneyGram now has a single source of reliable data, seamless, reliable technology and the global support it needs.  

Organizations realize many other advantages organizations from partnering with NICE as they continue to grow globally, including:

  • A single unified cloud platform that enables contact center operations to be nimble, adaptable, scalable, expandable
  • Unified metrics and visibility
  • Consolidated, real-time reporting
  • Intelligent routing
  • Digital-first experiences customers expect
  • Continuous innovation, including the latest in AI applications
  • The ability to hire the best agents—from anywhere in the world

Many other companies across the spectrum of industry sectors are realizing these same benefits by  partnering with an expert like NICE. Global leader Amplifon Hearing Health Care is a perfect example. Headquartered in Italy, Amplifon maintains more than 10,000 clinics in 29 countries and boasts more than 5 million customers worldwide. Implementing CXone has enhanced the effectiveness of the company’s marketing campaigns and the productivity of its agents. By streamlining and unifying its old on-premises systems with CXone, Amplifon has improved its agent experience. It also continues to gain new insights from increased visibility, has unified reporting in real time, and has boosted sales. With CXone, Amplifon is using CTI (computer telephony integration) for the first time—previously too costly for contact centers to implement on premises-based systems. But today, the cloud enables seamless integration between CXone and CRMs like Salesforce and Oracle. 

Complying with data security and privacy regulations is another growing challenge for contact centers everywhere, particularly in view of the stringent European GDPR data privacy regulations that took effect in May 2018. GDPR applies not only to companies located in the EU but also extends to multinational companies that do business in the EU. NICE maintains compliance and certifications with various industry standards to assist customers in verifying security policies and processes.

Hire Right is a multinational company that exemplifies the heightened sensitivity and demands of data handling, storage and privacy. Hire Right offers the first truly global background/employment screening resource, with APAC and EMEA operations now on the same platform as those in U.S. With this capability, Hire Right helps companies take advantage of the continually expanding global workforce without having to navigate the increasing complexity of ever-changing compliance and regulatory requirements.

Unifying its contact centers on CXone’s cloud platform has enabled Hire Right to provide CX that is consistent and compliant—more important than ever before. The company’s contact centers provide seamless backup in case of natural disasters (as in an earthquake in Montego Bay—true story) and call volumes are seamlessly forecast and scheduled across regions and time zones to meet peaks in demand Not least of all, the CXone cloud platform has dramatically increased Hire Right’s ability to scale quickly and seamlessly—greatly enhancing the company’s opportunities for growth.

Increasingly, companies are finding out that going global means not going it alone. Learn more about how your organization can go further, faster with NICE as your partner.


NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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