Advanced Caller ID to Enable Proactive Communication

Who Is Calling Me?

Caller ID is not a new technology. In fact, seeing a name on a call goes back to the 1980s for landlines. Later, with the rise of cell phones, callers’ names routinely popped up on phones.

Today, caller ID helps users identify which calls are worth answering. And unknown callers on our cell phones seldom get answered. Why is that? It has to do with the rise of spam phone calls. Between 2017 and 2020, the number of spam phone calls has grown to 20 per user per month. For most users, the call marked “unknown” is too often a spam phone call—and not worth their time.

Ring, Ring, Ring

This pattern poses a problem for companies, though, who want to proactively reach their customers. Frequently, when brands call their customers, they are not named on the caller ID, and the customer simply does not answer. As many as 90% of calls from companies to their customers go unanswered. This is true even when the customer requests a call back from their company.

This would be a straightforward problem to solve if companies could associate all their agents’ phone lines with the same company name for all outbound calls. However, it is not as easy as it sounds.

In 2015, the number of US adults living without a landline surpassed the number of those who did have a landline, and cell phones have dominated telecommunications since.

why advanced caller id

Cell phone users are distributed among multiple carriers and networks, and a company who wants to associate their brand name with all their agents’ phone numbers has to work with each individual carrier to enable it. It’s an unfeasible proposition for most companies, big and small.


With CXone Advanced Caller ID, we have done the hard work of aggregating the private providers into a single bundle. When your agents make an outbound call, your brand name will show up on Advanced Caller ID for over 90% of your calls. A dialable call back number and even your location can be shown. You can send your customers important information that will help you serve them well—appointment reminders, food deliveries, price quotes, call back requests, and more—and they will be more likely to listen.

caller identity increases answer rates

Hi, We Have Important Information for You

Recent case studies back up the impact of Advanced Caller ID on their proactive communications. One Advanced Caller ID client in the automotive service industry could not reach customers in a timely manner with service price quotes that needed their approval. But when they started using CXone Advanced Caller ID, displaying their name on outbound calls, customers started answering more. It led to happier customers and more efficient operations.

After using our product, the engagement rate increased by around 11%, which are calls answered that last one minute or longer. The contact rate, the percentage of all calls answered, increased by 7%. And the best metric of all, the conversion rate for successful resolution of cases, increased by 24%.

Advanced Caller ID is a critical tool in moving your CX forward by paving the way for a two-way communication street between you and your customers.

Watch this recent webinar to learn more about how Advanced Caller ID can set your business apart from the crowd.


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